Bnos Chana educates its students to embrace a life of community service, supporting them to become the future generations of orthodox Jewish leadership in Melbourne and beyond.  A special type of education is needed to produce an altruistic community leader, and we are dedicated to this purpose. Our graduates will be primarily heading for the world’s most sought-after seminaries, and thereafter, will adopt lives of selfless devotion to their communities.

When a family is dedicated to a Chassidishe lifestyle and sincerely wishes their child to be educated in the Bnos Chana way, we will assess their enrolment application regardless of their capacity to pay fees.

Bnos Chana families on average have a very low measured income* with the assumed capacity to pay only 10% of fees, and an average of 6.76 dependent children per family.

Please help with the cost of operating the school.

*(as measured by the Department of Education Skills and Employment)

For payment by Credit Card, please complete the following form.
Note there is a 1.5% surcharge for Visa, Mastercard and AMEX

If you prefer to pay by Bank Transfer, please see details at the bottom of this page

Make a Donation

Personal Details:

Home Address

Make Donation:

  • AUD
  • USD

Other Details:

If you would like to donate by bank transfer:


BSB: 013 606 Account: 2344 50987 

Established to award scholarships to students (or future students) of Cheder for the purpose of promoting the education of the recipients, on the basis merit and equity.


Cheder Public LIBRARY Fund

BSB: 013 606 Account: 3071 15814

Established to operate the Cheder Public Library.


Cheder School BUILDING Fund

BSB: 013 606 Account: 2252 41446

Established and maintained to provide financial support for the acquisition, construction and maintenance of Cheder’s school buildings.